The tastiest way to beat the heat this summer? That's easy: by attending a gelato-making class at Gemelli, an artisan gelateria in West Chester. Taking place in Gemilli's "gelato lab," these 90-minute classes offer instruction in making rich, creamy gelato—the Italian counterpart to American ice cream. Each class is led by Italy native and Gemilli proprietor Vincenzo, who shows students with a sweet tooth how to make two flavors of the rich frozen dessert. (Bonus: everyone goes home with their own gelato creations!)

Of course, you could just show up at Gemelli for a scoop of chocolate-hazelnut or tiramisu—they're two of the most popular gelato flavors here. You can't really go wrong with any of the flavors, however. Everything behind the glass freezer case is made from scratch daily, relying on locally sourced milk, cream, and produce! Be sure to stop by this season to discover your favorite flavor, Audubon Pointe!