Although the Allentown St. Patrick's Day Parade technically dates back to the 1860s, its contemporary incarnation didn't exist until 1955. It was around this time that Allentown's sixth ward played host to much of the area's Irish community. TheYoung Men's Temperance society and the Hibernia Fire Company Social Club both held events for Irish immigrants who'd moved into town. In 1955, local leaders founded the St. Patrick's Day Observance Society, and by three years later, the St. Patrick's Day Parade had evolved into a huge citywide event.
Come out for the historic 61st Annual Allentown St. Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday, March 18th at 1:30 p.m. It's slated to unfold in the West End of Allentown, just a short trip from Regency Towers. Take your place in the crowd as local businesses and performance groups stroll down the street decked out in their finest emerald ensembles.